WRS Mission
The Society’s vision is to serve as a strong voluntary organization – comprising individuals affiliated with the original Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) and its successor organization, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) – which actively supports the institution, its people and its legacy.

Originally organized in 1996 for the benefit of Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC), the Society now serves its successor organization, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), and its educational, patient, treatment and research activities.
Membership in the Society is open to all – officer, enlisted, active duty, Reserve, National Guard, retired, civilian, patient, family member, and friend of WRNMMC. The WRS governing board is all-volunteer, and all of those involved in assisting our Wounded Warriors do so without remuneration.
Warrior Support
Support activities and funding projects and programs to benefit service members.
Through the generosity of our donors the Society can offer its support to our troops.
The Society has grown to over 700 members who share a high regard for Walter Reed.