The Walter Reed Foundation

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The Walter Reed Foundation is a relatively new organization affiliated with the Walter Reed Society, but the Foundation is separate from the Society. While the Society focuses primarily on the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and its patients and families, the Foundation has a similar mission but is national in scope and available to benefit any military facility and its patients and families. 

One new project that the Walter Reed Foundation is undertaking is MISSION M4. The goal of MISSION M4 is to provide funds to upgrade individual military hospitals' MRI imaging suites to acquire equipment that would render the MRI imaging sessions less stressful to children and adults needing an MRI, while also decreasing the need for sedation during the process. This system has been shown to be helpful not only to critically ill children, but also to adults with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and brain injuries.

To read more about MISSION M4, go to To donate specifically to Mission M4, click the button below. 

However you donate, include your address so we can acknowledge your generosity.

The Walter Reed Foundation is a non-federal entity. It is not part of the Department of Defense or any of its components and has no governmental status.